Date Night FAQ's


Q: Is childcare provided?
A: Yes Childcare is provided for children between 12 months and 12 years old.

Q: Is dinner provided?
A: Yes dinner is provided for the entire family

Q: What is the schedule for Date Night?

1700-1800 Dinner
1800 Child Check in
1830 Workshop Begins
2030 Workshop Ends/Child Pick up

Q: Do I need to attend the entire workshop?
A: Yes, the goal of this program is to equip service members and their families with tools that help them thrive in all their relationships. Attending the entire workshop is necessary to gain the tools offered by the program.

Q: Where is Date Night located? 
A: Most of our Date nights take place at the Island club on North Island. 
(32.690514035031114, -117.20330069419406) 

Some participants have difficulty finding this location. It is across from Breakers Beach and the Navy Lodge up by the Air field. Apple Maps seems to work better than Google Maps for getting to this location. 

Occasionally we will host Date Nights at Admiral Baker's Club house

Q: Where in the Island Club does the workshop occur?
A: Dinner and the workshop take place in the Neptune Room. It the very last meeting room on the left up against the Patio. 

Q: Where is Childcare and who provides it? 
A: Childcare is on site at the Island Club in the Bridal Room. This is the first set of meeting rooms to the right by the fire place. Childcare is provided by CYP.