Updated FY24 Schedule New Retreat Dates

 Greetings from CREDO SW, 

We are pleased to announce that we have scheduled 5 more Marriage Retreats for FY 24. 

Here is a link for our updated schedule: FY 24 Updated Schedule (6.24.24)

All of our remaining retreats in San Diego will have childcare for children ages 1 year old to 12 years old. With the new schedule we turned some of the existing Date Nights into Retreats. If you had registered for a Date night that is now a retreat, we extend the invitation to now attend the retreat. 


22 August, 2024 @ Admiral Baker Club House

We are providing breakfast and lunch at this training targeting service members who are dating, engaged, or been married less than 2 years. If you or someone you know fits this category then please sign up! We will be providing resources vital to helping your relationship thrive. Married sailors/dependents may also attend. 


If you are interested in serving your community by becoming a SafeTALK trainer to create a suicide safer community then please email CNRSWCREDO@US.NAVY.MIL. All of our scheduled train the trainer courses are booked. However, if we can get at least 10 people that are able to join our SafeTALK training team we can try to add another Train the Trainer before the end of this calendar year.  Part of the requirements for becoming a SafeTALK trainer is to facilitate 3 workshops within 1 calendar year of training. And 1 workshop a year to maintain registration with Livingworks.