CREDO Southwest FAQ's

DISCLAIMER: It is the Department of Defense's policy to treat all married military couples equally. Marriage Enrichment Retreats are open to al married military couples. The goal of the retreat is to strengthen relationship skills in an environment that is free from the every- day distractions of life. Participants, chaplains and support personnel in these retreats may have religious views that differ from your own religious views. This retreat will be conducted in a manner that is sensitive to the diverse religious, spiritual, moral, cultural, and personal beliefs of the participants. If you have any questions regarding the workshop please call our CREDO office at 619-705-5296/5297 or email

Click here for: DATE NIGHT FAQ's

Q: Do I have to attend the whole event?
A: Yes, we want to respect the time and money your command and family have allocated to you attending our event to ensure you receive training that will make you and your family stronger.

Q: What is the difference between a Marriage Enrichment Retreat (MER) and a Personal Resiliency Retreat (PRR)?
A: MER focuses on deepening married couple's commitment and understanding of each other. MER's also assist married couples in strengthening their relationship skills. The MER employs a combination of instruction, group and private discussions, exercises, the Myers Briggs Temperament Indication (MBTI), and free time designed to help each couple to grow in their relationship within a safe and inviting environment.

MERs help enrich marriages and are NOT a substitute for marital or individual counseling.

A PRR is designed to assist participants in fostering positive personal growth and self-awareness. Participants should be able to find a wealth of practical ideas and tips on personal growth. Through various activities, participants learn to explore who they are utilizing the Myers Briggs Temperament Indication (MBTI), how the past has shaped them, and what kind of person they would like to be.

Q: Are the MERs, or PRRs religious or faith based?
A: No, they are not.

Q: Is childcare included?
A: Our MER’s and PRR’s do NOT include childcare. Children are not allowed in the retreat sessions.

A: Our MEW’s (Date Night) do provided a limited childcare. Ages range between 1 y.o. to 12 y.o.

Q: How many Marriage Enrichment Retreats(MER) can I attend in a year?
A: Our MER's are in high demand. To give other couples the opportunity to attend we ask that you only apply to attend 1 per fiscal year.

Q: Do I really need the Command Contacts and get their endorsement?
A: Yes, all participants need a Command Endorsement.

Q: What are the retreat hours?
A: Day 1: Check In: 1500-1700
Retreat Starts: 1700
Dinner: 1700 – 1830
Day Ends: 2100
Day 2: Breakfast: 0800-0900
Retreat Session: 0900 – 1200
Lunch: 1200-1300
Retreat Session: 1300 – 1530
Dinner: 1800 – 2030
Day 3: Breakfast: 0800-0900
Retreat Session: 0900 – 1145
Check Out: 1100
*Retreat hours are flexible*

Q: What should I wear to the MER's?
A: Civilian clothes are worn during retreats. No Athletic wear is permitted during workshops. Participants are given the opportunity to enjoy the resort and area prior to a romantic dinner on the 2nd night.

Q: Can my kids stay with me in the hotel?
A: Our hotel venues have a policy of 4 persons maximum per room. Additionally, most of our Retreats do not provide childcare. 

Q: Can I bring my pets?
A: No pets are allowed in retreat spaces. If you are bringing an animal please contact the hotel DIRECTLY for more information.

Q: Can my spouse and I attend a Personal Resiliency Retreat(PRR)?
A: Couples can attend, but they would attend for their own personal growth. They would be treated as individuals, not as a couple.

Q: Is there more than one CREDO that offers retreats?
A: Yes, there are CREDOs around the world. CREDO Southwest’s primary responsibility is to provide services for the service Members in Navy Region Southwest. We do welcome other branches of the military to attend.

CREDO MCI-West is on Camp Pendleton. For more information on their retreats, call their office at 760-725-2255